• Helping People Become Proficient in Healthcare  

    Being a patient or caregiver in today's sophisticated healthcare arena takes more than just living with a diagnosis. The Patient Better Project helps people learn the most valuable tips and tools to prepare, safeguard and collaborate care that will bring out hidden health advocacy skills and get  the best possible health outcome throughout the course of life.

Adolescent Care Training

We prepare adolescents for adulthood by teaching them a newly developed life-skill to help oversee physical and psychological care. 

Assisted Living Group 

We educate residents (as well as staff and families) how to oversee, organize and collaborate care records- as a team. 

Senior & Family Education

We train adult children and the entire family how to govern, prepare, and safeguard care for a love one with complex conditions.

Social Services Health Proficiency Training

Social workers, counselors, and care coordinators of all kinds can learn an easy life-skill that will immensely help people throughout any health journey. 

Work-ready Healthcare Education Workshop

This program was developed to train employees how to juggle personal, professional, and healthcare through easy to apply care record management training. 

Long-Distance Healthcare Governance Training

This program is specifically for long-distance families or adult children who need a unifying program to learn how to manage their parent's healthcare- as a team.

The Health Educator Patient Admin Training 

This program is designed for practices that deliver patient-education in uniform. Patients can rely that they will get the same answer from any staff member. 

Community Medical Record Management Training

For community centers to offer patrons and staff a way to help their rural residents to learn how to become more self-reliant and manage care independently.

Caregiver Document Support Training

Helping caregivers from all walks of life to learn to manage care for someone else while maintaining hobbies, other relationships, and their own health.