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  • Your Partner in Excellence & Growth
    ​  An addition to your care plan that empowers clients and families to efficiently and effectively manage their healthcare.   

We help home care agencies help people have better 
health experiences.

Patient Better is an educational program designed to help home care advance their care plans by teaching their clients and families how to collaborate, communicate, and coordinate care more efficiently and effectively. Although a novel concept, our program has quickly become an indispensable tool for home care to stay current with their professional and transitional care counterparts.

Show Me How!

Why add a family communication and management program into your care plan?

The Patient Better Project is an organization created to help home care agencies complete their offering and help clients and families:

  • Equip long-distance family-members play a more active role on their care team.
  • Support stronger communication.
  • Ensure dynamic transitional care coordination.
  • Secure more favorable outcomes.
  • Help families make more (self-reliant) informed decisions. 

Thus, allowing families to focus on more important things - like preserving relationships and maintaining their love one's lives.

White Paper

"Research shows that home care is the first point of contact for many and sets the stage for the entire care trajectory"

Let us help your home care company play a more significant role in transitional care.

Top challenges preventing home care from reaching its full potential.

Implementation of Digital Health

The practice of technology-based medicine has isolated many ancillary care services’ offering, including home care. Our program helps home care by reestablishing the provider, rehab, and other professional relationships.

Evolving Consumer Mind

The way information is received by consumers has changed. Our program replicates modern content algorithms like YouTube and Google to help home care provide modernized direct to consumer messaging techniques.

Restructuring of Society

The restructuring of society throughout and after the pandemic has shifted the individual’s and families’ living priorities. Our program helps home care provide an additional offering to care plans, thus, being able to keep up with evolving consumer need.

Find out if adding an educational program is right for your agency.

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What to expect from our partnership


Research shows that participating agencies measured an overall 42% in net revenue increase in private pay clients, referral base, and kept clients on the books, longer.


We provide a clear pathway to achievement in professional health communication, transitional care interaction, and staff retention efforts. 


When you start our program, statistics prove that there is a 98% success rate for participating home care companies within the first six to twelve months of signing on.

Effort & Sacrifice

We do the work for you by ensuring that all qualified staff is on the same page. Thus, providing a way to get your company to run itself while supplying a more robust offering.

Is your agency ready to implement our program?

Along with the US Census Bureau, home health executives also saw an expansive future. In 2018, Home Health News predicted a shared positive outlook with executives citing the need for home care to adapt a communication and management program. However, when the pandemic hit, it showed that home care slow-walked implementation. Thus, leaving people without the ability to properly manage their health condition(s) at home. The results were catastrophic. If you are a serious agency owner looking to truly help people solve the biggest challenge that is also preventing home care from living up to its fullest potential, then our program may be right for you.

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The Future of Home Care

Research shows that individuals and families who are educated in the Patient Better Program have better experiences, enhanced care quality, and are able to stay at home longer. Thus, gearing people up for the future of more quality home care. 


  • Supply professionals with better patient access.
  • Help families become more knowledgeable participants.
  • Offer a more dynamic transitional care direction.



  • Easier interoperability adaptation.
  • Proper telemedicine readiness.
  • Better homebound communication capabilities.

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