The Patient Better Project

Enroll in and Contribute to Our Health Advocacy Nonprofit

The Patient Better Health Advocacy Program aims to foster a healthier and stronger community. By investing in this program, not only will you gain access to top-notch advocacy education, but you will also contribute to our nonprofit's mission of making healthcare more accessible to all.

As a participant, you will be invited to complete two brief 10-question self-assessments – one before starting the program and another after. These assessments will help us tailor our advocacy support to your unique needs and track the positive impact of the program on your healthcare journey.

By donating to our program, you agree to actively participate in our mission by filling out the two 10-question self-assessments as part of the Patient Better Health Advocacy Program. Your commitment to this process will not only empower your health journey but also play a vital role in making healthcare more accessible to all in our community. 

Thank you for joining us in this transformative endeavor!